Friday, March 10, 2006

A day at the British Museum

its the birthday weekend and the best way of spending it was to drag myself off to the British Museum. Wifey is not around so its me myself and i doing the celebrations this year.

The British museum is such a magnificent place that you could almost forgive the British for filling it with 'stolen' treasures and artefacts from around the world.
Had to go see some of the excellent pieces looted during the British raid on Benin during the 18th century. They stole the artefacts from Benin but couldn't believe Africans created the art.

Some crazy guy back then even came up with the ludicrous theory that it wasn't made by Africans but came from the mythical Atlantis.

I guess back then they just couldn't handle the fact that the savages could produce such exquisite art.

More pics
Benin Art 1
Benin Art 2
Benin Art 3
Benin Art 4
Benin Art 5
Benin Art 6
Benin Art 7
Benin Art 8
Benin Art 9

get involved by sponsoring an African child today:

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